Shining Bright: Sunny Outlook for Costa del Sol Hotel Occupancy in July and August

Coastin' Comeback: Costa del Sol's Hotels Catching the Wave, but Last-minute Dash Holds the Key

After a bit of worry and a sprinkle of uncertainty, hoteliers along the Costa del Sol are finally starting to see the tides turn in their favour. Following a dry spell that had them concerned about this summer's occupancy rates falling behind last year's numbers, the Association of Hotel Businessmen of the Costa del Sol (Aehcos) revealed that bookings are starting to roll in, improving the forecast "ever so slightly" for July and August.

While we're not quite riding the same wave as 2022 just yet, July is expected to end with a respectable 84.1% of beds booked in the province. It's just a mere 2% short of last year's record-breaking figures, where 86.2% of spots were blissfully occupied. Not too shabby, considering hoteliers were initially expecting July to hit around 82%.

José Luque, the witty president of Aehcos, shared some insights: "Since mid-May, our bookings were in a bit of a dip, but in the last ten days, we've noticed a delightful upward trend. Alas, we're not quite riding the same high as 2022 just yet, as domestic demand is still a touch lower than we'd like."

Fear not, dear travellers, as international tourism is making a splendid comeback, accounting for a robust 60% of total bookings, with our domestic adventurers comprising the remaining 40%.

As we set our sights on August, the horizon looks even brighter, although still not as radiant as last year. Currently, a cheerful 83.5% of spaces are booked, trailing behind the impressive 88% reached during the same period in 2022. The executive committee of Aehcos, with a touch of concern, remarked, "These numbers still give us a little cause for concern. We'll be keeping a close eye on the national market, especially with all the talk about interest rates, inflation, and potential recessions abroad. Ah, the twists and turns of the economy! But fear not, dear adventurers, for the key to success lies in those spontaneous, last-minute bookings!"

Let's dive into the destinations, shall we? In July, the sunny municipality of Torremolinos reigns supreme with a dazzling estimated booking rate of 93.9%. A close second is the vibrant coastal town of Benalmádena, riding the wave with a confident 90.9%. Mijas brings its charms to the table with a solid 86.4%, while the bustling city of Malaga dances close behind at 86.3%. And let's not forget Fuengirola, earning its place in the sun with a respectable 84.9%. As August rolls in, Torremolinos continues to lead the charge, embracing the spotlight once again.

So, dear wanderers, if you're contemplating a coastal escape, seize the day and ride the waves of spontaneity. The Costa del Sol awaits your last-minute dash to its sandy shores. Let's make this summer one for the books!


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