Approximately 30,000 individuals in the province of Malaga are affected by various types of dementia.

 Unveiling the Clues: A Neurologist Decodes Early Dementia Warning Signs

In a captivating series of talks at Malaga's Hospital Clínico, a diverse team of professionals is shedding light on the intriguing realm of dementia and Alzheimer's. One notable participant is Francisco Garzón, a spirited neurologist and esteemed member of the Neurology Service's Dementia Unit, who reveals the mysterious initial signals that typically emerge between the ages of 60 and 70.

Garzón emphasizes that memory loss, specifically of recent events rather than distant memories, is the most common tell-tale sign. However, he emphasizes that it should be "persistent and significant" to warrant concern. Furthermore, he uncovers linguistic challenges, such as difficulties in fluent speech, which are often noticed by the patients themselves.

"With comprehension difficulties often being observed by family members before the affected individuals realize it," adds Garzón mischievously.

Another indicator lies in the ability to proficiently carry out and coordinate daily tasks, like successfully operating a washing machine.

Ordinary activities

Garzón mentions that more subtle signs, though less apparent, include a rigid attitude, untimely ventures outside, or an inexplicable penchant for hoarding. "In essence, we should raise our suspicions whenever there's progressive change without an evident cause to justify it."

The progression of this condition starts with mild cognitive decline, with behavioural shifts that have minimal impact on the patient's life. "Once the patient loses their independence to perform everyday tasks, we enter the realm of dementia," explains Garzón. This can range from mild to moderate, or even advanced dementia, which greatly hampers basic activities like dressing, eating, or walking.

The dedicated specialist holds a heartfelt concern for the caregivers' quality of life (the importance of self-care for caregivers is also emphasized during the talks), so much so that it formed the topic of his doctoral thesis.

He highlights that current treatments focus on delaying the disease's advancement, aiming to preserve the best possible cognitive and functional state over time.

In the province of Malaga, around 30,000 individuals are grappling with dementia, with more than half of them afflicted by Alzheimer's. As the number of affected individuals continues to rise, closely linked to our aging society, the puzzle of these conditions becomes increasingly complex.


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